Thursday, December 22, 2005

Dover in the News

Al Mohler takes a look at what the editorial pages of major newspapers have to say about the Dover intelligent design case.

An article in The New York Times explores the potential impact of the Dover ruling on school boards elsewhere in the U.S. contemplating the inclusion of intelligent design in their biology curricula. One quote I found amusing was from Tom Williams, a school superintendent in Muscatine, Iowa who is opposed to any such inclusion. "We need to stick with what our teachers are trained to do," he said, "and they're not trained to teach religious philosophies."

This evening's edition of Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes will include further coverage about the decision including Michael Behe going "head-to-head with Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission." I'm not sure why Fox is promoting this as a bout since Land shares Behe's dissatisfaction with Judge Jones' decision, calling him "an extremely injudicious judge who went way, way beyond his boundaries." Maybe they'll get into the differences between I.D. and creationism.

Fox's website also has a Speakout page where viewers can voice their agreement or disagreement with the ruling. Here's one response that caught my eye from a woman named Juanita:

It never ceases to amaze me how people of religious faith are so adamant about believing something just because someone else told them to. And for those of you who are obviously oblivious to current happenings in the world around you, make no mistake, the missing link HAS been found AND linked.
Juanita is quite adamant in her belief that Darwinism has been proven. I wonder who told her that.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Reading that last bit about reliance on authority provoked some thought.

We all rely on authority, to a greater or lesser degree.

Science derives its authority from phenominal success.

What is the basis of religious authority?

Science continues to change and refine its ideas of truth.

Is religious truth static?

Just a curious Sunday School teacher.